Rick's Life Story

Rick’s amazing journey from despair to hope

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Rick has experienced the raw ugliness of abuse, violence and addiction, and emerged a champion of love and hope for inner city street people. Rick emerged from a childhood of horrific abuse to become a powerful street fighter, drug dealer and enforcer, only to spiral into the depths of addiction and despair. At his lowest point Rick met a pastor who introduced him to Jesus. Far from the end of his struggles, this was the beginning of the hardest battle of his life as he fought to overcome the addictions and demons of his past, and learned to fit into a world that he knew nothing about.

Rick is a survivor who believes that every person, no matter how deeply entrenched he or she may be in cycles of abuse, addiction or despair, is a person of immeasurable value, and is never beyond the reach of God’s love. Rick understands the needs and struggles of the people he ministers to perhaps better than anyone else. He understands because he’s been there.

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Rick has experienced the raw ugliness of abuse, violence and addiction, and emerged a champion of love and hope for inner city street people. Rick emerged from a childhood of horrific abuse to become a powerful street fighter, drug dealer and enforcer, only to spiral into the depths of addiction and despair. At his lowest point Rick met a pastor who introduced him to Jesus. Far from the end of his struggles, this was the beginning of the hardest battle of his life as he fought to overcome the addictions and demons of his past, and learned to fit into a world that he knew nothing about.

Rick is a survivor who believes that every person, no matter how deeply entrenched he or she may be in cycles of abuse, addiction or despair, is a person of immeasurable value, and is never beyond the reach of God’s love. Rick understands the needs and struggles of the people he ministers to perhaps better than anyone else. He knows because he’s been there.

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How It All Started

From 1991-2022 Rick started and ran the Hands On Outreach and Development Center, where he and many volunteers were dedicated to serving the physical and emotional needs of Saskatoon’s inner city children and youth.

On a daily basis they provided a safe environment, healthy meals, clothing, activities and entertainment such as books, videos, ping pong, billiards, foosball, board games, hockey, basketball, football, arts and crafts.

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How It All Started

From 1991-2022 Rick started and ran the Hands On Outreach and Development Center, where he and many volunteers were dedicated to serving the physical and emotional needs of Saskatoon’s inner city children and youth.

On a daily basis they provided a safe environment, healthy meals, clothing, activities and entertainment such as books, videos, ping pong, billiards, foosball, board games, hockey, basketball, football, arts and crafts.

Recognition & Awards

Awards & recognition that Rick has received over the years

Governor General Award

 Champion of Children Award

Cameco Literacy Award

100 Women Who Care Winner

100 Men Who Care Winner

University of Saskatchewan Law Society Award Co-Winner

Governor General Award

 Champion of Children Award

Cameco Literacy Award

100 Women Who Care Winner

100 Men Who Care Winner

University of Saskatchewan Law Society Award