Ways You Can Help

Prayer Support

Having now been an outreach ministry for over 32 years. It has become very obvious that prayer warriors are critical for the success of our new endeavour.

Some of the areas that need continued prayer are:
1. Discernment
2. Wisdom
3. Malleable Hearts
4. Ears & Hearts Prepared to Receive the Message
5. Finances
6. Travel Safety
7. Educational Material

With a much anticipation we are excited to announce that we are now partnership with the Rev. D .L. McQuinn Memorial Foundation.

Here is how you can support us & receive a tax receipt in the process.
1. Go to the Rev. D .L. McQuinn Memorial Foundation Inc. website by clicking on this link www.revdlmcquinnmemorialfoundation.ca/support-our-endeavors/

We now accept cheques, e-transfers, Paypal & Credit Cards

When donating please make sure you say you are giving to Rick Langlais Reflections.